Midweek Message

Devotions and weekly happenings

Midweek Message: Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Dear Calvary family, As we lean into our Vibrant Church series, we will explore Paul’s conversion story again… perhaps one of the most famous and dramatic stories of life transformation in the Book of Acts.  Saul encounters the Risen Jesus who blinds him and...

Midweek Message: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Dear Calvary family, Last Sunday was amazing!  And the reason for it is the Holy Spirit.  Can you believe that we can be empowered, infused by the power of God?  The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost had a profound and...

Midweek Message: Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Dear Calvary family, Do you know that it has been 50 days since we celebrated Easter?  Do you know that this Sunday we will celebrate one of the most important days (in my opinion) in the church calendar?  Pentecost!  Jesus had promised...

Midweek Message: Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Dear Calvary family, Thank you for an amazing Sunday of high holy celebration as we honored our nine confirmands.   Bless you for being a disciple making church!   This Sunday May 12th, we conclude our Powerful Prayer sermon series with a focus on what I call,...

Midweek Message: Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Dear Calvary family, Ever curious enough to wonder how GOD would pray over you? What would the LORD say? How might HIS words resonate within, over, and around you? Good news for us as there are several examples of GOD’s prayers and GOD’s praying for us...

Midweek Message: Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Dear Calvary family, When you pray do you feel like you are writing a letter?  Or maybe writing an email?  When you push send (say “Amen”), do you wonder when you will get the answer?  Do you wonder if it got into the spam folder?  Is it in the...