Midweek Message: Wednesday, October 2, 2024

by | Oct 2, 2024

Midweek Meditation: Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Dear Calvary family,

There are over 100 different kinds of breads in the world. Bread is an essential part of our diet, everyday life, and sustenance. Bread matters. And so do silly bread jokes.

How does the bread court his sweetheart? With lots of flours! What did the toast say to the psychic? You bread my mind! What did one slice of bread say to another after a long day? Don’t worry — tomorrow will be butter!

I hope you did not find my bread jokes too crummy! (LOL) This coming Sunday, we will celebrate more than crumbs, but the full loaf, as we honor World Communion Sunday! Christians from a wide variety of denominations will celebrate our unity and cooperation through our Lord’s Table as we are all fed on His Body and Blood. While the breads may vary, thanks be to God, the Body of Christ unites us in mission and purpose.

As we dine at our Lord’s table, we will reflect on the next petition in the Lord’s Prayer, “give us today our daily bread…”. Indeed, come join the conversation as we seek today’s bread for today. Not day-old bread for today and not tomorrow’s bread for today either. But today’s bread for today!

See you in worship this Sunday in person or online!

On Mission POSSIBLE with you,
Pastor Michelle

Here’s what’s happening in the life of our Church and how you can get involved:

Our 3rd Annual Craft Fair is just a few days away so it’s time to get things lined up! The Craft Fair is ext Saturday, October 12. Many volunteers are needed the day of, but also in the days leading up to this! This is a major fundraiser for our church… and we need everyone’s help!

Please click on this link to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0F45ABAC2AA3F85-50481635-craft#/

Please click on this link to donate baked goods for the Bake Sale: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0F45ABAC2AA3F85-50481828-craft#/

If you’ve signed up for the bake sale and need disposable pans, please stop by the table in the narthex and help yourself.

We want to join together in expressing love, appreciation, and encouragement to our wonderful pastors, Rev. Michelle Knight and Rev. Jolita Erbele. We also are including Dr. Mark Herris, our Director of Music and Worship. While the Staff Parish Committee has some treats planned, like lunch on the 30th, we would like to celebrate them in other ways as well. We hope all of our church family will take various opportunities throughout the month to show Michelle, Jolita, and Mark your appreciation. Here are some possible ways to do this:

-Three baskets will be in the Narthex throughout October to drop off notes and cards. There are many cards for Pastor Appreciation in the stores already this month or there will be some cards available next to the basket. Don’t leave out the children, as cards and pictures from them would be cherished! They can be added to the mail basket, too.

-On Sunday, October 6, we will recognize our retired clergy.

-On October 27, we will have a special prayer during the service. We would also love any photos you might have of the pastors and Mark to include on the screens that morning. Following the service, we will continue the celebration in Fellowship Hall with cake! Plan now to join us for this church-family time!

-Any personal gifts, surprises, or acts of kindness for them would be thoughtful as well! If you might not be sure how to express this, but would like to be a part of some, the Staff Parish Relations Committee is planning some gifts, and you are welcome to contribute financially toward those. Contact Christy Bailey for details and to donate: drobbc@aol.com or 317-529-6172.

-Above all else, we ask especially for daily prayers for our pastors during this month – for strength, wisdom, good health, energy, and blessings.

Let’s make sure they feel the love from their Calvary family next month! Thank YOU for being a part of this wonderful family! ~The Staff Parish Relations Committee

Invite other families you know! The Missions Team is hosting a Fall Family Festival this Saturday, October 5 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. There will be various activity stations including: alpaca education outside, a balloon twister, two face painters, mini pumpkin decorating, Photo Booth with frame decorating, cookie decorating, and make your own candy apples, along with snacks and drinks.

Have you noticed how the décor in the sanctuary changes with the seasons, both the liturgical and calendar seasons? That is thanks to our Altar Guild members who share their time in this way. If that’s something you’d like to help with or find out more about, let us know! Contact the office today! office@calvaryunited.org

Our October Mission giving supports the Pastor’s Discretionary account. This money is used to assist others as the pastor sees fit for situations that are unforeseen.

This year’s retreat is on November 2, 2024, and Asheritah Ciuciu, an author and speaker known for her dynamic online ministry, will be presenting her message entitled “Delighting in Jesus.” This message encourages us to embrace God’s profound invitation to a life filled with joy and delight by encountering Jesus in the daily rhythms of life. Remember to mark your calendars and extend an invitation to your family and friends! Register online at https://calvaryunited.org/womens-retreat/ or download a registration form. Forms are also available in the Calvary office.

The Youth Group will meet this Sunday, October 6, in the Youth Room from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.

The Brownsburg Police Department is hosting a presentation and panel for residents of Hendricks County to educate and empower with knowledge regarding scams and how better to protect yourself against them. The event is October 29 from 10:00am until Noon at Eaton Hall (61 N. Green St). To reserve a seat, call 317-852-1109, ext 2127 or email KCummins@BrownsburgPolice.org.

Avon UMC is hosting Carrie Newcomer with pianist Gary Walters in their sanctuary on Saturday, November 16. Doors open at 6:30 and the cost is $20 per person. If you’re interested, visit this page https://onrealm.org/AvonUMC/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=MjliZDc3YTAtYmQ3MS00Njk1LTg1YTAtYjFkYTAxMDNjMTU1 or contact Avon UMC at 317-272-4068.

-Sunday, October 6, 10:00am Rev. Michelle Knight World Communion Sunday
“Pray This Way: The Bread Provider” Matthew 6:11 (NRSV)

-Sunday, October 13, 10:00am Rev. Jolita Erbele
“Pray This Way: Forgiving and Forgiven” Matthew 6:12 (ESV)

-Fall Family Festival – Saturday, October 5, 1:00pm to 3:00pm throughout and around Church
-First Monday of the Month Prayer Time – Monday, October 7, 6:30am in the Sanctuary
-Craft Fair – Saturday, October 12, 9:00am to 3:00pm throughout and around Church
-Lunch Bunch – Wednesday, October 16 at Noon at Green St. Pub & Eatery
-Euchre – Saturday, October 19 at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-No Youth or Children’s Sunday School or Youth Group – Sunday, October 20, due to Fall Break
-Classics Luncheon – Tuesday, October 29 at Noon in Fellowship Hall
-Women’s Retreat – Saturday, November 2, 9:00am-3:00pm throughout Church
-New Member Conversations – Sunday, November 3 and Sunday, November 10, 11:11-Noon in Fellowship Hall
-Charge Conference 2024 – Saturday, November 23, 10:00am in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall