Midweek Message: Wednesday, March 12, 2025

by | Mar 12, 2025

Midweek Meditation: Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Dear Calvary Family,

What do you believe? How do your beliefs shape who you are?

It is so good to know that we don’t have to invent or create God in our need or our image. God created us in His image, but we do not need to return the favor.

Who is Jesus? What do we know about Him and where does our knowledge of Him come from?

What I tend to lean on, and with which I sometimes minimize who Jesus is, is thinking that He is like my life coach, my therapist. Yes, He is a Healer and He is the best guidance to our lives. But first of all, we have to confess and profess that He is God. He is the long-awaited Messiah. He is our Anointed King. God’s only Son is not a reflection of the current mood or the projection of our own desires. He is our Lord and God. He is the Father’s Son, Savior of the world, and a substitute for our sins—more loving, more holy, and more wonderfully terrifying than we ever thought possible.

May Jesus be our Lord and King in our lives. He is worthy to be worshipped, to be praised. If you are able and willing, join us this Sunday.

Work in progress,
Pastor Jolita

Here’s what’s happening in the life of our Church and how you can get involved:

The Bloodmobile is back this Sunday, March 16, from 8:30-12:45. We would love to completely fill their schedule with donations that morning. Visit https://donateblood.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/11609344 to sign up today!

We’ll be starting a four-week Lenten study on Monday, March 24 from 6:30-8:30pm in the Conference Room. The study is called “The Promise and Power of Easter” by Christine Caine and Lisa Harper. The study guide costs $13 (unless that is a hardship). Contact Beth Wright (317-340-6447) or Sue Moritz (847-902-6070) for more information.

On Saturday, April 19, at 3:00pm, Calvary’s outreach team will be having an Easter Celebration for young families in the community. We are planning on 150-200 children to be in attendance. We hope to hold the event indoors as well as outdoors. Activities include: an Easter program in the sanctuary, farm animals, a family scavenger hunt in our woods, cookie and egg decorating in fellowship hall, and crafts which includes making a “resurrection garden”. The playground will also be open. Each child will receive a bag of Easter treats and a gift at the end of the scavenger hunt. We will need lots of volunteers for each station, setup, and cleanup. A sign-up sheet will be on the mission table or contact the office. We are also accepting individually wrapped Easter candy and treats if you would like to donate something rather than volunteer. The treats may be left on the Mission table in the box. Plan on joining us, mingling, and enjoying the youthful energy! Questions contact Anne Inman 317-504-9268 or anneinman1@hotmail.com.

We will be going to the mountains of Tennessee June 22-28. All youth who have completed the 6th grade are welcome to join us. Depending on your age, you can choose between a Service Project (light construction, painting, etc.) or Day Camp (VBS-like) for the week. Please see Kevin Kowalski or Lynn Wagner for more information. (Lynnbooher@hotmail.com)

Speaking of Mountain T.O.P., we have two fundraisers this month.

The first is Prime Car Wash Tickets. They will be sold before and after the service on Sunday in the hall by the mission table. They are available at $9 for Basic, $14 for Pro, and $22 for Interior. This is the same price as going to the car wash – no upcharge – but we get to keep 50% from the sales. We will be selling these for three weeks.

The second is a Chick-Fil-A Dine-to-Donate on Thursday, March 20. A flyer is attached to this, or pick one up on the mission table in the hallway at church, mention the fundraiser to your cashier, or use code UMC320 in the app at either Avon location.

We will also be selling hanging baskets again for Mother’s Day! More information to come!

This Sunday, we will meet at church from 6:00-7:30pm for our meeting. Come for fun and fellowship! See you then!

We have a wonderful service opportunity that works around your schedule! If you are interested in plant beds and pots, we need someone to take over the ones by the entry. Betsy Hoggatt cared for them previously and has put together a maintenance guide and is open to any questions that may come up. Not much is needed until spring, but we’d love to hear now if this is a role for you! Call or email the office today!

Join us Tuesday, March 25 at Noon for our March Madness-themed lunch. Enjoy your favorite tailgate and game-day food with a friend! Bring a favorite snack or dessert and a favorite recipe for the cookbook. RSVP at the Mission Table in the hall or by contacting the office.

Like last year, area United Methodist churches will gather for the six Saturdays prior to Easter for a “Life Together” Breakfast series. Each week, a different church will host the time to worship, fellowship, and share a meal, “drawing closer together and to the heart of God”. Saturday, March 15 will be hosted by Plainfield UMC from 7:30am until 8:45am.

We had a wonderful time this past Saturday and would like to do it again. Parents of children 0-4 years old are invited to a special Family Time together Saturday, April 12, 3:00pm. Children ages 2-4 will have time together in Fellowship Hall doing activities, children 0-2 will play in the nursery, while parents will spend time together in the Youth Room. The afternoon will wrap up with 30 minutes of everyone being together. If you’re a parent of a young child, mark the date on the calendar! If you know someone who is, please share this! We are in need of volunteers: 6 teens and/or adults to help in the nursery and fellowship hall. If you are willing to help, please sign up at the Mission Table or contact the office!

To help raise money for Missions and Outreach, we would like to sell a cookbook at the Craft Fair this year. Think about a favorite recipe you can share! We would love to have a recipe from everyone and are hoping for a minimum of 150 recipes! You may place it in the collection tray on the Mission table in the hallway or email it to the church office (office@CalvaryUnited.org). Thank you! We can’t wait to see this come together!

From our Family Promise Mission account, Calvary was able to purchase a new $800 26-cubic foot refrigerator for Family Promise’s Almost Home Shelter! Thank you for your support in this! We are working with Family Promise to begin a new practice for the residents to cook their own dinners and learn valuable skills, rather than area churches providing meals each night. Churches and individuals will still be able to help buy groceries for the dinners each week, if interested. Calvary will also continue to make casseroles to store in their freezer. Thank you so much for supporting this worthwhile mission!

Our monthly mission focus is UMCOR, the mission and humanitarian assistance agency of the United Methodist Church. It works to make disciples of Jesus Christ; strengthen and develop and renew Christian congregations and communities; alleviate human suffering; and seek justice, freedom, and peace.

-Sunday, March 16, 10:00am (Traditional) Apostles’ Creed Series
“I Believe in Jesus Christ” Hebrews 1:1-4 (NRSVue) Rev. Jolita Erbele

-Sunday, March 23, 10:00am (Contemporary) Apostles’ Creed Series
“I Believe Jesus Suffered, Died, and Was Buried” 1 Corinthians 15:12-28 (NRSV) Rev. Michelle Knight

-Euchre – Saturday, March 15, 6:00-8:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-Bloodmobile – Sunday, March 16, 8:30am-12:45pm in the parking lot
-Child Protection Guideline Training – Sunday, March 16 at 11:00am in the Sanctuary OR Thursday, March 20 at 6:30pm in the Youth Room
-Chick-Fil-A Dine-to-Donate – Thursday, March 20, all day at either Avon location
-Classics Luncheon – Tuesday, March 25, Noon in Fellowship Hall
-No Children or Youth Sunday School – Sunday, March 30, the middle weekend of Spring Break
-First Monday of the Month Prayer Time – Monday, April 7, 6:30am in the Sanctuary
-Infant-Toddler Family Fellowship – Saturday, April 12, 3:00-5:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-Maundy Thursday Service – A joint service at Pittsboro UMC, Thursday, April 17, 7:00pm
-Good Friday Service – Friday, April 18, 7:00pm in the Sanctuary
-Family Easter Celebration – Saturday, April 19, 3:00-5:00pm throughout the church
-Easter Sunrise Service – Sunday, April 20, 7:00am in the Shelter
-Easter Breakfast – Sunday, April 20, 8:00-9:30am in Fellowship Hall
-Traditional Easter Service – Sunday, April 20, 10:00am in the Sanctuary