Midweek Message: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

by | Jan 22, 2025

Midweek Meditation: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Dear Calvary family,

As we prepare for week three of our REACHING, Jesus Style series, you will note our focus this Sunday is on the epilogue of last week’s Gospel of John story.  Epilogues usually have fascinating little tidbits of information about the further and deeper impact of what took place in the story.  And John 4:39-42 delivers as a wonderful extension of the Samaritan woman’s story.  We would be at such a loss without this ‘extra’ good news and its impact on a small community of people. 

Ever worry and fuss if other people, or even Jesus, will receive you if they really knew you?  We sometimes fear that if someone knew “…all that I ever did”, they could not love us, but Jesus loved the Samaritan woman. And she tells others in her neighborhood her joyous discovery that Jesus knows her and yet loves her!  WOW… and then the impossible happens.  Jesus stays for a couple days to preach, teach, listen, love, observe, eat, play, sing, and meet the people of this woman’s community. 

Join us on Sunday as we pay attention to how we DECLARE Jesus to others… as we reach in Jesus’ style.  See you in person or online. 

Serving as a HEARER and DOER with you,

Pastor Michelle

Here’s what’s happening in the life of our Church and how you can get involved:


Calvary will again offer Lent devotional for 2025, personally written by our Church family! We are seeking writers of ALL ages and stages! We would love to hear from you!

The writing should encourage, uplift, deepen, or inspire the reader in his/her walk with Christ.

Here are some suggested writing prompts:

-Share a personal story of when God spoke to you through answered prayer, delayed grace, a difficult season, or a time of blessing.

-Celebrate how another believer helped you draw closer to Jesus. 

-Tell us about how and when God’s grace was evident in your life.


Author’s name


Scripture reference (book, chapter, and verse)

275-word minimum, maximum 300

1-2 sentence prayer 

Must be sent in a digital format: either WORD document or body of an email to


Be prepared for editing by our editor(s)!

-DUE: February 12, 2025 

If this appeals to you, please let one of the pastors know or contact the office.


Our neighbor church, Pittsboro UMC, is hosting “2025 Night to Shine” at the Lizton Lodge on Friday, February 7 from 6:00pm-9:00pm.  This is a prom-like event for students with special needs offered through the Tim Tebow Foundation.  They have a need for many more volunteers!  If you are able to donate some time for this special event, please click here to find out more and to sign up:  https://pittsboroumc.org/night-to-shine-2025/


An adult supervisor is needed for the A/V booth at the back of the sanctuary during the regular Sunday services. If you’re willing to share your time in this way, please contact Mark (mherris@calvaryunited.org). 


The Food Pantry Proxy Team is seeking additional volunteers to deliver food from Hendricks County pantries to our 3 families who reside in the Clermont Mobile Home Park.  Each week, a team member picks up food from a local pantry in Avon, Danville, or Plainfield and then delivers to the families.  Pick-up times vary depending on the pantry assignment but include weekday daytime and evening hours and Saturday morning hours.  Time commitment is approximately 2 hours/month for the delivery, and the food for each family usually includes 1 large box and 1 or 2 grocery bags.  The pantry schedule is emailed each month for team members to volunteer, and you’ll start by going along with an experienced team member to see how the process works.  Please contact Beth Mann at cbmann@sbcglobal.net if interested.


Celebrate Chinese New Year 2025 with your friends and favorite Asian-inspired dishes, this Tuesday, January 28, from noon until 2:00 in Fellowship Hall!  Let us know if you’ll be coming by contacting the office or signing up on the sheet in the hallway across from the office.


There are scholarships available for students who are members of Calvary and/or attended Calvary Learning Academy, including a new scholarship for students who are interested in a career training path rather than a traditional 4-year college path.  This scholarship is the James C. Snapp II Vocational Scholarship.  Find out more about this one and the others through your counselors’ office at your high school or by contacting our church office.  Brownsburg High School’s deadline is February 11.


The Youth and Children of our church will be leading worship on this date. Plan now to be here to support them in their faith examples.  We will also be distributing 3rd grade Bibles.  Following the service at 11:15 will be a “Pancake Brunch”.


Following the Youth and Children worship service, there will be a Pancake Brunch also hosted by our youth as a fundraiser for their annual mission trip to Mountain T.O.P. Tennessee.  The youth and their leaders will be making and serving pancakes and other breakfast items for a freewill donation.  Other volunteer help would be appreciated! Sign up at the Mission table in the hallway! 


We are encouraging parents, grandparents, guardians and their teens to attend this very important workshop Sunday, February 23 from 2:00-4:30 in Fellowship Hall!  The goal of this workshop is to give area teens the knowledge, skills, and resources to care for their own mental health and respond to peers in crisis.  We know that it shouldn’t be the burden of teens to care for their friends in crisis, however they are often the first ones to respond.  The Teen Mental Health Response Workshop is designed to help teens have the tools, skills, and resources to care for themselves and respond to their peers in crisis in ways that are healthy and effective.  The workshop will be led by licensed mental health professionals and is for students in 6th-12th grade and for adults with teens in their lives.

We will have an adult workshop happening simultaneously but in a different room in the church building, which helps adults be empowered to care for themselves and respond to the mental health of the teens in their lives. 

The three main topics include: Boundaries & Self Care, Healthy Coping Strategies, Responding to a Friend in Crisis. To register, visit https://calvaryunited.org/events/teen-responders-workshop/. 


Love to read? Love a good children’s book? Volunteer to read to one of our Learning Academy classes! This semester’s sign-up sheet is on the mission table in the hallway. Sign up soon!


Youth will meet at 5:00 for Handbells this Sunday followed by Youth Group at 6:00pm.  See you then! 


This month’s Missions giving will go to the Pastors’ Discretionary Fund.  This fund is used to help when unforeseen needs arise.


The first Sunday of every month is a Service of Holy Communion and while it is often set up by the pastors ahead of the service, we are in need of a couple of volunteers to help clean up after that service.  If this 10-15 minute job is something you would consider helping with 3 or 4 times a year, please let the office know.  We would be happy to answer any questions or show you what’s involved. 


Registration for our Calvary Learning Academy opens for members and current families on February 3.  Visit https://calvaryunited.org/registration/ for more information and to register.


Parents of children 0-4 years old are invited to a special Family Time together Saturday, March 1, 3:00-5:00pm. Children ages 2-4 will have time together in a classroom doing activities, children 0-2 will play in the nursery, while parents will spend time together in Fellowship Hall.  The afternoon will wrap up with 30 minutes of everyone being together.  If you’re a parent of a young child, mark the date on the calendar!  If you know someone who is, please share this!  If you are willing to help in the nursery or in the classroom, please contact Pastor Jolita (jerbele@CalvaryUnited.org). 


To help raise money for Missions and Outreach, we would like to sell a cookbook at the Craft Fair this year.  Think about a favorite recipe you can share and bring it to church on Sunday, February 23!  We would love to have a recipe from everyone!  There will be a collection box for the recipes on the Mission table in the hallway or email it to the church office (office@CalvaryUnited.org).  Also, if you would like to work on this project, please contact Anne anneinman1@hotmail.com or the church office.


-Sunday, January 26, 10:00am    Series: Reaching, Jesus Style

“Declare Jesus as Good News”   John 4:39-41 (NRSV)     Rev. Michelle Knight   

-Sunday, February 2, 10:00am   Series: Reaching, Jesus Style

“Show Jesus as Good News”    John 13:34-35 (NRSVue)    Rev. Jolita Erbele


Classics Luncheon – Tuesday, January 28 at noon in Fellowship Hall

First Monday of the Month Prayer Time – Monday, February 3, 6:30am in the Sanctuary

Euchre – Saturday, February 15, 6:00-8:00pm in Fellowship Hall

Youth and Children’s Service – Sunday, February 16, 10:00am and Youth Mission Trip Pancake Brunch 11:15am-1:00pm

Teen Responder Youth Mental Health Workshop – Sunday, February 23, 2:00-4:30pm in Fellowship Hall and throughout the building

New Member Conversations – Sunday, February 23 or Sunday, March 2, 11:11am in Fellowship Hall

Infant-Toddler Family Fellowship – Saturday, March 1, 3:00-5:00pm in Fellowship Hall

Indianapolis Brass Choir Performance – Sunday, March 2, 4:00pm in the Sanctuary

Ash Wednesday – Wednesday, March 5, 7:00pm in the Sanctuary

Child Protection Guideline Training – Sunday, March 16 at 11:00am in the CLA Office OR Thursday, March 20 at 6:30pm in the Youth Room