Midweek Meditation: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Dear Calvary family,
I am sure I am not the only one that forgets many things, but I forget things because I am forgetful. The woman to whom Jesus offered living water was so touched and so excited that she totally forgot her reason for being at the well in the first place: to draw water in her jar for cooking and cleaning that day. She forgot important things because she knew the most important things! The jar represents what is most important to the woman at this time… essential to her existence was retrieving water. But more than life, more than anything or anybody in this life, is encountering living Jesus.
Isaac M. from our church wrote an email to me: “On March 19, 2005, I read John 4 just before going to bed. The next morning was Palm Sunday, and I was at a church that I had only been attending regularly for about a month. When the pastor got up to preach his sermon that morning, he said to take your Bibles and turn to John 4. God now had my full attention. God used that sermon to show me how He had been reaching out to me over the last several years, desiring that I should have a relationship with Him. My response to God’s invitation that morning changed my life because had I not said yes to God, I would not have met Candice 11 months later.”
God is alive and seeks you. Your time, your heart, your presence. Read John 4 and come listen to what His Spirit will speak to you.
Fill us, Jesus, with Your living water!
Pastor Jolita
Here’s what’s happening in the life of our Church and how you can get involved:
Calvary will again offer Lent devotional for 2025, personally written by our Church family! We are seeking writers of ALL ages and stages! We would love to hear from you!
The writing should encourage, uplift, deepen, or inspire the reader in his/her walk with Christ.
Here are some suggested writing prompts:
-Share a personal story of when God spoke to you through answered prayer, delayed grace, a difficult season, or a time of blessing.
-Celebrate how another believer helped you draw closer to Jesus.
-Tell us about how and when God’s grace was evident in your life.
Author’s name
Scripture reference (book, chapter, and verse)
275-word minimum, maximum 300
1-2 sentence prayer
Must be sent in a digital format: either WORD document or body of an email to
Be prepared for editing by our editor(s)!
DUE: February 12, 2025
Reaching is the third action verb which completes our three-fold vision statement, “Seeking God, Loving One Another, Reaching Out”. Join us this Sunday for the second part of a four-week teaching about “Reaching, Jesus Style” as we consider how to Know, Share, Declare, and Show Jesus as Good News to our friends, neighbors, colleagues, loved ones, and our community! We have met the Good News and now we need to reach out and offer Him to others.
Join CUMC leaders in a Question & Answer session for updates on a variety of items such as land sale, 2025 missional goals, policy updates, financial information, 2024 celebrations, and appreciation! If you attended this past Sunday, the session at 11:11 this coming Sunday will cover identical material. Handouts will be available in the office if you are not able to attend.
An adult supervisor is needed for the A/V booth at the back of the sanctuary during the regular Sunday services. If you’re willing to share your time in this way, please contact Mark (mherris@calvaryunited.org).
The Food Pantry Proxy Team is seeking additional volunteers to deliver food from Hendricks County pantries to our 3 families who reside in the Clermont Mobile Home Park. Each week, a team member picks up food from a local pantry in Avon, Danville, or Plainfield and then delivers to the families. Pick-up times vary depending on the pantry assignment but include weekday daytime and evening hours and Saturday morning hours. Time commitment is approximately 2 hours/month for the delivery, and the food for each family usually includes 1 large box and 1 or 2 grocery bags. The pantry schedule is emailed each month for team members to volunteer, and you’ll start by going along with an experienced team member to see how the process works. Please contact Beth Mann at cbmann@sbcglobal.net if interested.
Celebrate Chinese New Year 2025 with your friends and favorite Asian-inspired dishes, Tuesday, January 28, from noon until 2:00 in Fellowship Hall! Let us know if you’ll be coming by contacting the office or signing up on the sheet in the hallway across from the office.
Our next study will be a 6-week video-based study called “Lose Control” by Mary Shannon Hoffpauir, which explores the book of 1st Samuel. We will be encouraged to grow in our faith and depend on God to accomplish His purposes in our lives. Study guide books cost $13 (unless cost is a hardship) and will be distributed at our first meeting this Monday, January 20 at 6:30pm in the Conference room. Please notify Beth Wright (317-340-6447) or Sue Moritz (847-902-6070) if you can join us, so we make sure we have enough books.
Love to read? Love a good children’s book? Volunteer to read to one of our Learning Academy classes! This semester’s sign-up sheet is on the mission table in the hallway. Sign up soon!
Registration for our Calvary Learning Academy opens for members and current families on February 3. Visit https://calvaryunited.org/registration/ for more information and to register.
Youth will meet at 5:00 for Handbells this Sunday followed by Youth Group at 6:00pm. See you then!
This month’s Missions giving will go to the Pastors’ Discretionary Fund. This fund is used to help when unforeseen needs arise.
The Youth and Children of our church will be leading worship on this date. Plan now to be here to support them in their faith examples. We will also be distributing 3rd grade Bibles. Following the service at 11:15 will be a “Pancake Brunch” also hosted by our youth as a fundraiser for their annual mission trip to Mountain T.O.P. Tennessee. The youth and their leaders will be making and serving pancakes and other breakfast items for a freewill donation. Other volunteer help would be appreciated! Sign up at the Mission table in the hallway!
The first Sunday of every month is a Service of Holy Communion and while it is often set up by the pastors ahead of the service, we are in need of a couple of volunteers to help clean up after that service. This involves bringing the rugs and the service pieces back to the sacristy room across from the sanctuary. The rugs are rolled up and placed back in the cupboard and the pieces are washed and left to dry. The cloths that are used may be placed in the laundry basket in the kitchen. If this 10-15 minute job is something you would consider helping with 3 or 4 times a year, please let the office know. We would be happy to answer any questions or show you what’s involved.
-Sunday, January 19, 10:00am Series: Reaching, Jesus Style
“Share Jesus as Good News” John 4:10-15 (NRSVue) Rev. Jolita Erbele
-Sunday, January 26, 10:00am Series: Reaching, Jesus Style
“Declare Jesus as Good News” John 4:39-41 (NRSV) Rev. Michelle Knight
-Euchre – Saturday, January 18, 6:00pm-8:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-Town Hall Q&A – Sunday, January 19, 11:11am in Fellowship Hall
-Classics Luncheon – Tuesday, January 28 at noon in Fellowship Hall
-First Monday of the Month Prayer Time – Monday, February 3, 6:30am in the Sanctuary
-Youth and Children’s Service and Pancake Brunch – Sunday, February 16, 10:00am-1:00pm
-Teen Responder Youth Mental Health Workshop – Sunday, February 23, 2:00-4:00pm in Fellowship Hall and throughout the building
-New Member Conversations – Sunday, February 23 or Sunday, March 2, 11:11am in Fellowship Hall
-Infant-Toddler Family Fellowship – Saturday, March 1, 3:00-5:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-Indianapolis Brass Choir Performance – Sunday, March 2, 4:00pm in the Sanctuary
-Ash Wednesday – Wednesday, March 5, 7:00pm in the Sanctuary
-Child Protection Guideline Training – Sunday, March 16 at 11:00am in the CLA Office OR Thursday, March 20 at 6:30pm in the Youth Room