Midweek Meditation: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Dear Calvary family,
What is your biggest worry? I wish there would be a switch that I could just turn off all the worry buttons. But I have not been successful in finding where the switch is. What we can do is to replace our worries with hope and preparation for Jesus coming.
Advent means “arrival” and signifies the start of an event or the arrival of a person. Jesus is coming. Be sure of that! We should be awake to the fact that we do not know when He is coming, but every Advent we see God’s patience and God’s grace in our lives. God gives us time not only to repent and to prepare a way for Him, but mostly this is a time to share Good News with the people around us. I promise you, people are still searching and still looking for what the world cannot give. Christmas is a time for you to invite and to share a Hope that is found only in Jesus Christ. I wish we would all feel just a little bit more urgent need to invite someone to worship Him, or to pray with someone, or tell about your Savior. What if this time they hear you? What if this time God will break their hearts and they will know HIM! The truth is, this is where you also find joy in Christmas. Family is good, gifts are good, lights, food all are good… this is what the world knows as good, too… but we know better than that! We know what matters more than all those good things!!!
This Sunday, we will meet Angel Gabriel. You don’t want to miss that opportunity. He has a message for you. Join us if you can at Calvary.
Waiting for HIM,
Pastor Jolita
Here’s what’s happening in the life of our Church and how you can get involved:
Advent has begun! If you would like a devotional, stop by and pick one up from the table by the windows in the narthex.
Our Youth would like to help you with your to-do list by taking care of your gift wrapping! Stop by church between Noon and 4:00 this Saturday, or after church until 1:00 this Sunday, drop off your gifts, and have the youth wrap them for you! They are doing this for a voluntary donation. And many thanks to those who donated paper, bags, tissue paper, ribbon, and bows! There are many great options for the wrapping event!
Join us this Saturday, December 7, Noon to 4:00pm and Sunday, December 8, 11:00am to 1:00pm to wrap presents as a fundraiser. We will also meet Sunday night at 6:00 for Youth Group.
Many volunteers are needed Saturday, December 21st at various times and in various ways. Stop by the mission table and take a look at how you might be able to help or contact the office! Encourage your family and friends to come for this beautiful time together. The suggestion was made to provide telescopes this night as well to look at and appreciate the stars. If you have a telescope you would share this night, please contact the office!
Our GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. We will have a special class together next Thursday evening, December 12 at 6:30. If you would like to join us, please RSVP with Jill Robertson at shepherdskid1@gmail.com or call the church office at 317-852-2541. There is a book that will be shared, the cost of which has been covered by a member.
Please join the United Methodist Women on December 14th at 1pm for Travel Talk, Tea, and all things Christmas as we celebrate the season and appreciate how much Jesus’ parents traveled. There may even be some Christmas Caroling! Bring your favorite vacation mug or teacup and travel to Fellowship Hall. We look forward to your arrival!
The Horizons class will start a 3-week study of “The Purpose of Christmas” by Rick Warren. Meet in the Conference Room Sunday morning following worship as we prepare our hearts during Advent.
We will be having three services on Christmas Eve: a 5:00 young family-oriented service, and then 7:00 and 11:00 traditional candlelight services. If you are able to greet or share bulletins that evening, please let the office know, or sign-up at the Mission table in the hallway across from the office.
Join us on Monday, December 30, at noon until 2:00pm in Fellowship Hall to start your New Year’s Eve celebration a little early! Please note the change in day; it is the last Monday and not the last Tuesday for this month only. Bring friends and your favorite party appetizer or treat! RSVP in the narthex or contact the office. The next luncheon in January will be Tuesday, January 28, from noon until 2:00pm.
Our Missions team is once again recognizing our family members serving in the military. If you have family deployed that we can reach out to, please let the office know by leaving a note on the desk, calling, or emailing Office@CalvaryUnited.org.
We are still accepting pledge cards. They may be placed in the offering box or brought to the office. Also, if you would like giving envelopes for this coming year, please contact the office (317-852-2541 or office@calvaryunited.org) and indicate if you would like weekly or monthly envelopes. If you requested envelopes, they are ready and may be picked up in the church office.
If you need hearing or vision assistance on Sunday mornings, please stop by the usher stand when you come in. There you will find instructions for an app that can be installed on your phone for hearing help, or a copy of the sermon to read to assist in your listening, or a large print bulletin to assist in your reading.
Our December Mission is supporting the Brownsburg Older Adult Alliance. BOAA is dedicated to enhancing the lives of older adults and their families in the area.
When the Brownsburg School Corporation closes school for the day due to severe winter weather, all meetings and activities at Calvary will be cancelled as well. Should severe winter weather occur on a Saturday or Sunday please check local television stations for cancellation information. Our church will be identified with “Brownsburg” in the name. Additionally, the website itself will have an information banner added regarding any closings.
If you would like to contribute to the church for the 2024 calendar year, please make sure your gifts are postmarked and/or dated by December 31. Thank you.
-Sunday, December 8, 10:00am Second Sunday of Advent
“The Light Shines Through… Angel Gabriel and Mary” Luke 1:26-38 (NRSVUE) Rev. Jolita Erbele
-Sunday, December 15, 10:00am Third Sunday of Advent
“The Light Shines Through… Joseph” Matthew 1:18-25 (NRSV) Rev. Michelle Knight
-Youth Group Gift Wrapping Fundraiser – Saturday, December 7, noon to 5:00pm in Fellowship Hall and Sunday, December 8, 1:00-3:00pm in the Youth Room
-UMW Christmas Tea – Saturday, December 14, 1:00-3:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-Live Nativity and Celebration – Saturday, December 21, 5:00-7:00pm outside and in Fellowship Hall
-Christmas Services – Tuesday, December 24 in the Sanctuary: For young families at 5:00pm, Traditional Candlelight Services at 7:00pm and 11:00pm
Church Office Closed – Wednesday, December 25 through Friday, December 27 and Tuesday, December 31 through Wednesday, January 1
-Classics Luncheon – Monday, December 30, Noon til 2:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-First Monday of the Month Prayer Time – Monday, January 6, 6:30am in the Sanctuary