Midweek Meditation: Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Dear Calvary family,
“God tested Abraham”… I never liked those words. I never liked this story for so many reasons. It is the first time that I’ve chosen to preach from Genesis 22 since I graduated from Asbury seminary in 2011. I am so excited and so nervous… because God’s Spirit is bubbling! 🙂 Pray I would not be a stumbling block to share His words to His people.
Let’s remember that God’s purpose for us is to have a loving union with Him at the end of the journey. We are called to detach from certain behaviors, activities, things, people, even our old self… for the purpose of more intimate, loving attachment to Him. If I am honest, do I love God the most? Or maybe an even more important question: Am I willing to do so?
We get stuck in our journey of faith. We hit the Wall. We are called to enter into a deeper and more rewarding relationship with God. But do we trust God enough to walk through it standing only on His promises?
It would be my joy to see all of you on Sunday.
Standing on His promises.
Pastor Jolita
Here’s what’s happening in the life of our Church and how you can get involved:
The Youth Group will be doing a service project this Sunday at Sheltering Wings and will meet at Church at 6:00pm to go there.
There will be Question and Answer Sessions on Sunday, August 25 and Sunday, September 15 at 11:15am in Fellowship Hall. Various ministry updates will be shared such as HVAC, land sale, finance and mortgage.
Tickets go on sale in August for the always popular “Purdue Christmas Show” for which Lew and Cathi White have organized a bus trip for this event and have considered every detail! The show takes place Saturday, December 7, and the cost will be $109 which includes the admission price and cost of the motorcoach. If you would like to go, please RSVP to the office by this Friday, August 16 and include a $50 non-refundable deposit.
Last Saturday morning, we held a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser to benefit Family Promise. Approximately 100 people attended and more than $2000 was raised! Thank you to all who came and shared in this way. An extra sweet thank you to all who volunteered and shared their time to make this special event a success!
Our Sunday service on September 8 will be outside in the shelter at 10:00am with picnic and fellowship time following at 11:00. Plan now to join us for the special time together! More details to come.
Following the school calendar, there will be no Children’s or Youth Sunday School on September 1 due to the Labor Day weekend. Additionally, all Sunday School classes for all ages will not meet on September 8 because of the church picnic and fellowship time at the Shelter. (All Sunday School classes will still meet August 18 and 25.)
A regular Children’s Choir for kids ages 4 through 5th grade is starting up on Sunday, September 8 at 5:00pm! Rehearsals will be in the choir room every Sunday from 5:00-5:30 for younger children and 5:15-6:00 for older children. No prior experience needed, just a love for singing and a joyful spirit! The hope is to sing not only in worship but to travel beyond our walls to local assisted living centers as well. For more information or to sign up, please contact Mark at mherris@calvaryunited.org
The handbell choir’s first fall practice is only a month away! We’re thrilled to ring in the new season and welcome both new and returning members!
Rehearsals will start with a “handbell camp” on Saturday, September 7 from 10:00 am – noon. This will be a great opportunity to introduce the bells to new members and for returning members to freshen up on their skills. Please invite anyone who may be interested in being part of our ensemble! No prior experience is necessary – just a love for music and a willingness to try something new!
Wednesday evening rehearsals return on September 11 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. A fall calendar will be available at that time: likely the bells will be playing in worship on October 13, November 17, and sometime in December (possibly Christmas Eve depending on availability). Please check those dates, and we’ll discuss the schedule more during rehearsal. If you have any questions, please contact Mark at mherris@calvaryunited.org. Let’s make this season unforgettable!
Bring your friends along with your favorite side or dessert and “Meet Us at the Fair” on Tuesday, August 27 at noon for a “Blue Ribbon Lunch”! Lunch will be pulled pork and corn dogs, coffee and lemonade. Dining and activities are from Noon to 2:00pm in Fellowship Hall, followed by line and social dancing from 2:00-4:00 with Myrna and friends. A donation to help cover the cost of food and supplies is always welcome. If you have questions, please contact the church office.
A member of the Speedway UMC’s Women’s Group stopped by church to invite us to their Women’s Retreat happening Saturday, August 24 from 9:00am until 3:30pm at their church at 5065 W. 16th Street in Speedway. They will have a simulcast with Priscilla Shirer called “Going Beyond” and worship with Anthony Evans. More information can be found at GoingBeyondatSUMC.eventbrite.com. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/going-beyond-simulcast-tickets-929793887547?aff=oddtdtcreator
This year’s retreat is on November 2, 2024, and Asheritah Ciuciu, an author and speaker known for her dynamic online ministry, will be presenting her message entitled “Delighting in Jesus.” This message encourages us to embrace God’s profound invitation to a life filled with joy and delight by encountering Jesus in the daily rhythms of life. Remember to mark your calendars and extend an invitation to your family and friends! Register online at calvaryunited.org/womens-retreat/ or download a registration form. Forms are also available in the Calvary office.
The Monday night Women’s Bible Study will start up again on September 9 at 6:30pm with a video-based study by Jen Wilkins called “God of Deliverance” about Exodus 1-18. The study book is $9. Contact Beth Wright (317-340-6447) or Sue Moritz (847-902-6070) with questions.
Our August Mission giving will support Family Promise of Hendricks County. More information regarding this organization is on the Missions table across from the office.
Due to low attendance during the summer, both Lunch Bunch on Wednesday, August 21 and Euchre on Saturday, August 17 are canceled. Both will resume in September.
If you find it difficult to hear things on Sunday morning, we have installed a new system that can help with that. You can use your own phone and headset or borrow a unit from the sound booth. Please stop by the sound booth as you come in and we will assist you.
After several years of service, and with our heartfelt appreciation, Laura Portish is stepping down from this position. If you would like to find out more about stepping into this role, please contact the office today!
The Columbarium Committee is also looking for new members. Meetings are usually once a month on Tuesdays. If you’d like more information, please contact the office or note your contact information on the table in the narthex on Sunday.
Saturday, September 28, from 8:00am until noon will be a workday around the building and grounds for our church family. A wide variety of chores will be listed on a sign-up sheet in the narthex. Remember many hands will make light work! Thank you in advance!
Sunday, August 18, 10:00am Rev. Jolita Erbele
“Is It Well with Your Soul? The Wall” Genesis 22:1-14 (ESV)
Sunday, August 25, 10:00am Rev. Michelle Knight
“Is It Well with Your Soul? Surrender to Your Limits” Job 1:13-2:10 (NRSV)
-Question & Answer Session – Sunday, August 25 at 11:15am
-Classics Luncheon – Tuesday, August 27 at Noon in Fellowship Hall
-Office Closed – Labor Day, September 2
-Adult Choir first practice – Wednesday, September 4, 7:00pm in the Choir Room
-Handbell Camp and first practice – Saturday, September 7 at 10:00am in the Sanctuary
-Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic – Sunday, September 8, 10:00am in the Shelter
–First Monday of the Month Prayer Time – Monday, September 9, 6:30am in the Sanctuary; Please note that this is happening the second Monday instead due to the Labor Day holiday.
-Versiti Blood Mobile – Sunday, September 15, 8:30am to 1:00pm in the parking lot
-Lunch Bunch – Wednesday, September 18 at Noon at Green Street Pub & Eatery
-Euchre – Saturday, September 21 at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-Entire Church Family Building and Grounds Workday – Saturday, September 28, 8:00am-Noon
-Fall Family Festival – Saturday, October 5, 10:00am throughout and around Church
-Craft Fair – Saturday, October 12, 9:00am to 3:00pm throughout and around Church
-Women’s Retreat – Saturday, November 2, 9:00am-3:00pm throughout Church