Dear Calvary family,
Thank you for an amazing Sunday of high holy celebration as we honored our nine confirmands. Bless you for being a disciple making church!

This Sunday May 12th, we conclude our Powerful Prayer sermon series with a focus on what I call, “momma’s prayer”. And in some ways, this is a prayer of and for moms who nurture us in our faith… so please bring the women you love to worship this Sunday as we give thanks for mothers, aunts, sisters, grandmothers, and wives who nurture our faith and challenge us to serve Christ.
But more importantly and significantly, this prayer from Hannah is for every disciple of Jesus. Hannah shows us through her prayer life and her mothering how to handle, cope, and deal with setbacks and disappointments. She became even more determined to pray harder. Therefore, her disappointment was the fertile soil in which God grew in her and moved her… into her “comeback”.
On Mission POSSIBLE with you,
Pastor Michelle
Here’s what’s happening in the life of our Church and how you can get involved:
Our group that is heading to Tennessee in June is offering some ways for our congregation to help defray the cost: Prime carwash tickets for $9, $14, and $22, and a Dine-to-Donate opportunity at Arni’s on May 15. Stop by the table in the narthex on Sunday where you can purchase carwash tickets or pick up a flyer for lunch! (The flyer to present at Arni’s is also attached to this email.)
If you ordered a hanging basket, they will be available for pick up on Sunday, May 12, in the narthex.
Mark your calendar for a night off from cooking! The Mission and Kitchen Ministry Teams are teaming up to host a Spaghetti Dinner Friday, May 17, from 5:00-8:00pm to raise funds for our LEGO Camp this summer. Plan now to eat-in or carry-out for home dining for a free-will donation!
**Volunteers are also needed. A sign-up sheet is available on the table by the windows in the narthex.**
Pentecost is Sunday, May 19, and we encourage you to join un in wearing red to celebrate the Holy Spirit.
This past Sunday, we celebrated our nine confirmands as they shared their faith with us and we continue to pray for them and thank our heavenly Father for them. Please see the picture attached.
Reach out to our Stephen Ministers. Our Stephen Ministers provide quality one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in our congregation and community experiencing life difficulties. If you are interested in finding out more or connecting with someone, women may email Renee at or Jill at and men may email Eric at
The produce garden we have out back has been an active mission of ours for approximately ten years. Every week during the growing season, we bring bags of freshly picked produce to our Brownsburg food pantries. The last couple of years, the Girl Scouts and their leaders who meet here at church have worked on it, but this year we need to have others from our congregation tending it again. If you’d like to put your green thumbs (or somewhat green thumbs) and your other fingers to work planting, weeding, watering, or harvesting, please contact the office ( This is mission work that can happen around your schedule! We look forward to working with you on this!
“LEGO… and LET GOD: Building your Faith Brick by Brick”
Registration for our three-day LEGO Camp taking place July 15-17 is available now at or forms are available on the table in the Narthex. Volunteers and participants in Kindergarten through 12th grade are encouraged to register today!
Each day we will have a prayer, a devotional, music, daily LEGO thematic challenges, outdoor games, and snacks.
Gather up old LEGO elements you or your family might have at home. (We will not be able to return them to you.) Bargain shoppers be alert online, at garage sales, and at Goodwill! Collection bins are in the narthex. We are also accepting financial donations to purchase LEGO sets as well. Please note “LEGO Camp” on your check. If you have any questions, please contact Anne at
Due to the Memorial Day Weekend, Youth Group will not meet the evening of May 26.
Metro Ministries, Inc. communicates with and connects the more than one hundred United Methodist Churches in Central Indiana to empower, engage, and equip them to meet the needs of persons in their communities.
Sunday, May 12, 10:00am – Rev. Michelle Knight – Powerful Prayer Series
“Momma’s Prayer” – 1 Samuel 2:1-10
Sunday, May 19, 10:00am – Rev. Jolita Erbele – Pentecost Sunday
“A Vibrant Church” – Acts 2:1-13 (CEB)
- Dine-to-Donate for Mountain T.O.P. Mission Trip – Wednesday, May 15 at Arni’s in Brownsburg
- Lunch Bunch – Wednesday, May 15 at Noon at Arni’s in Brownsburg
- Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for LEGO Summer Camp – Friday, May 17 5:00-8:00pm in Fellowship Hall or carry-out
- Euchre – Saturday, May 18 at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall
- Classics Luncheon – Tuesday, May 28 at Noon in Fellowship Hall
- First Monday of the Month Prayer Time – Monday, June 3, 6:30am in the Sanctuary