Calvary Learning Academy Classes

Early Childhood Classes

 Our School Classes


God’s Little Angels (Minimum age of 12 months, and walking steadily – 2 years)

In this classroom, children learn many new things. We introduce colors, shapes, and numbers in a fun way. Your child will create simple crafts, and play with other children. Children participate in music and chapel class on a daily basis. Our ratio is 1 teacher to every 5 children . Your child may attend one day a week, or as many as five days a week. Class meets Monday thru Friday.


Lord’s Lambs / Prayer Bears / Busy Bees (Age 2 years by August 1)

This is a busy year of learning for your child. In this class we encourage learning through interactive play, crafts, art, and music. We introduce numbers, letters, colors and shapes through play. Our weekly activities are theme based. All children participate in a music, chapel and gym class on a daily basis. Our ratio is 1 teacher to 6 children. Your child may attend one day a week, or as many as five days a week. Class meets Monday thru Friday.


Jr. Pre-K (Age 3 Years by August 1)

Socialization through small and large group activities is important at this age. Students will begin to develop academic readiness with shapes, colors, numbers and exposure to the alphabet. Activities for large and small muscles allow for physical development while stories, rhymes and songs aid listening skills and spiritual awareness. Class size is limited to 12–14 students. Classes are offered 2 or 3 days a week.


Pre-K (Age 4 years by August 1)

A program of gross and fine motor development, social interaction, and value awareness is integrated with academic readiness in the areas of listening, language, writing, alphabet and numeral recognition, and letter sounds. Discovery play expands the child’s experiences. Maximum class size is 15 students. Classes are offered 2 or 3 days a week.


Kinderskills (Age 5 years by February 1)

This class is designed for older preschoolers and the 5-year-olds who need an extra year of growth before kindergarten. The class will continue to provide kindergarten readiness skills and will offer more phonics, language arts, science, and math experiences. Maximum class size is 15 students. Classes are offered 2 or 3 days a week.



Enrichment classes are offered everyday after Jr. Pre-K, Pre-K, and Kinderskills classes. Parents can chose the number of days they wish to attend a week. This class will provide additional activities for socialization and academic enhancement. This class also provides for a full day option for families who need it.