Music Ministries

Connecting with God through music

There are many unique opportunities you can be part of with music ministries in Worship!

If you are interested in participating, contact our Director of Music and Worship, Dr. Mark Herris, by email at

The Music Ministry at Calvary is an important part of our church’s worship culture, and there is a place for all ages and abilities! We encourage you to join one of our outstanding choirs. In addition to participating in worship, several choirs reach out to the community through nursing home visits, retreats and conferences, and caroling during the Christmas season.

Adult Choirs

Adult Praise Choir

Every Other Wednesday, 7:00-8:30 pm, Sanctuary

The praise choir sings every other Sunday at the 10:00 am worship service. No prior experience is necessary to join!

Worship Team

Every Other Wednesday, 7:00-8:30 pm, Sanctuary

Calvary’s Worship Team leads worship every other Sunday at the 10:00 am service.

Chancel Ringers Handbell Choir

Every Wednesday, 6:00-7:00 pm, Sanctuary (on break through Summer)

Calvary’s premier adult handbell choir! The Chancel Ringers play five octaves of Malmark bells in worship monthly.

Children’s Choirs

Children and youth get together during special seasons to share music with the congregation!