Midweek Meditation: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Dear Calvary Family,
What are the hard things you do for your family? Things you do because you love them?
I love my family so much that I cook for them! I was hoping I would start to like it one day, but that hasn’t come true. Every single day, I have to tell myself: Be grateful you have food to give. Be grateful you have kids and be grateful they are hungry. Every day I have to remind myself of that.
As a follower of Christ, I also have things I do not like. I do not like some people who are Christians. I have to tell myself to pray for them. I have to make the decision to love them. Sometimes I do not like what the leaders of the church are doing. I have to tell myself to trust in God. I have to make the decision to continue to love them. I do not like to be generous and joyful about being generous… But do I still do it? Yes, because I love God. I trust God and I know what is at the end.
How much do you love? Do you know what is at the end? How does it shape what you know is waiting for you after you die? Are you living with a short-term goal or a long-term vision and purpose?
Peter, James, and John saw what it will be like one day to see Jesus in full glory so they could endure through suffering. No shortcuts. No “cheating” or avoiding carrying the cross. Jesus had to suffer and die on the cross. There was no other way. For us, too: Dying to ourselves so we can live with Christ.
His Way, not mine,
Pastor Jolita
Here’s what’s happening in the life of our Church and how you can get involved:
Parents of children 0-4 years old are invited to a special Family Time together this Saturday, March 1, 3:00-5:00pm. Children ages 2-4 will have time together in a classroom doing activities, children 0-2 will play in the nursery, while parents will spend time together in Fellowship Hall. The afternoon will wrap up with 30 minutes of everyone being together. If you’re a parent of a young child, mark the date on the calendar! If you know someone who is, please share this! If you are willing to help in the nursery or in the classroom, please contact Pastor Jolita (jerbele@CalvaryUnited.org).
Also, this Sunday, March 2 at 4:00pm, the Indianapolis Brass Choir will perform a program of “Bach, Barber, Berners, Bond (James), and Felice!” here in our sanctuary. This is a large brass ensemble of about 30 who volunteer their time and talent to provide music and aid local charities. Our freewill donation will support Family Promise of Hendricks County. Put it on your calendar today!
Have you been visiting Calvary and are you interested in learning more about the church? Join us for a new member conversation this Sunday, March 2, at 11:11 in Fellowship Hall.
This Sunday, March 2, following Sunday School class will be Pizza & Pickleball! No Youth Group in the evening: Instead, we are heading out at 12:30pm to play at West Indy Racquet Club from 1:00-3:00pm. What do you need to know? Dress comfortably and wear sneakers! Bring a bottle of water and a friend! We’ll return to Calvary at 3:30 for pick-up. Waiver forms will be emailed to parents from Pastor Jolita; bring them with you on Sunday. Come for fun and fellowship!
Next Wednesday, March 5, is Ash Wednesday. Please join us here in our Sanctuary at 7:00pm as we worship together with Pittsboro UMC and begin the season of Lent.
Like last year, area United Methodist churches will gather for the six Saturdays prior to Easter for a “Life Together” Breakfast series. Each week, a different church will host the time to worship, fellowship, and share a meal, “drawing closer together and to the heart of God”. Saturday, March 15 will be hosted by Plainfield UMC from 7:30am until 8:45am.
The Bloodmobile is back Sunday, March 16 from 8:30-12:45. We would love to fill their schedule with donations that morning. Visit https://donateblood.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/11609344 to sign up today!
To help raise money for Missions and Outreach, we would like to sell a cookbook at the Craft Fair this year. Think about a favorite recipe you can share! We would love to have a recipe from everyone and are hoping for a minimum of 150 recipes! You may place it in the collection tray on the Mission table in the hallway or email it to the church office (office@CalvaryUnited.org). Thank you! We can’t wait to see this come together!
We will be going to the mountains of Tennessee June 22-28. All youth who have completed the 6th grade are welcome to join us. Depending on your age, you can choose between a Service Project (light construction, painting, etc.) or Day Camp (VBS-like) for the week. We will also be needing another adult (21+) to join us. Please see Kevin Kowalski or Lynn Wagner for more information. Lynnbooher@hotmail.com
Speaking of the Youth Mission to Mountain T.O.P., our Pancake Fundraiser on the 16th raised $1493.21 for this! We appreciate your generous support of our youth and their work! Watch for a couple more fundraisers in the next few months.
We have a wonderful service opportunity that works around your schedule! If you are interested in plant beds and pots, we need someone to take over the ones by the entry. Betsy Hoggatt cared for them previously and has put together a maintenance guide and is open to any questions that may come up. Not much is needed until spring, but we’d love to hear now if this is a role for you! Call or email the office today!
We are looking for a couple of volunteers who might be willing to help shovel and salt around church when we have less than two inches of snow. If cold weather invigorates you and shoveling is your kind of exercise, please get in touch with Lori Wilcoxson (lrwilcoxson@gmail.com) for more information.
Our monthly mission focus is UMCOR, the mission and humanitarian assistance agency of the United Methodist Church. It works to make disciples of Jesus Christ; strengthen and develop and renew Christian congregations and communities; alleviate human suffering; and seek justice, freedom, and peace.
-Sunday, March 2, 10:00am (Traditional) Service of Holy Communion
“It Is Good For Us To Be Here” Mark 9:2-13 (NRSVue) Rev. Jolita Erbele
-Wednesday, March 5, 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Service here with Pittsboro UMC joining
“Humility” Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Rev. Stacy Downing
-Sunday, March 9, 10:00am (Contemporary) Apostles’ Creed Series
“I Believe in God, the Father Almighty” Romans 8:15-17 Rev. Michelle Knight
-Infant-Toddler Family Fellowship – Saturday, March 1, 3:00-5:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-New Member Conversations – Sunday, March 2, 11:11am in Fellowship Hall
-Indianapolis Brass Choir Performance – Sunday, March 2, 4:00pm in the Sanctuary
-Ash Wednesday – Wednesday, March 5, 7:00pm in the Sanctuary
-Euchre – Saturday, March 15, 6:00-8:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-Bloodmobile – Sunday, March 16, 8:30am-12:45pm in the parking lot
-Child Protection Guideline Training – Sunday, March 16 at 11:00am in the CLA Office OR Thursday, March 20 at 6:30pm in the Youth Room
-Classics Luncheon – Tuesday, March 25, Noon in Fellowship Hall
-Maundy Thursday Service – A joint service at Pittsboro UMC, Thursday, April 17, 7:00pm
-Good Friday Service – Friday, April 18, 7:00pm in the Sanctuary
-Family Easter Celebration – Saturday, April 19, 3:00-5:00pm throughout the church
-Easter Sunrise Service – Sunday, April 20, 7:00am in the Shelter
-Easter Breakfast – Sunday, April 20, 8:00-9:30am in Fellowship Hall
-Traditional Easter Service – Sunday, April 20, 10:00am in the Sanctuary