Midweek Message: Wednesday, October 23, 2024

by | Oct 23, 2024

Midweek Meditation: Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Dear Calvary family,

Who likes to talk about money? Maybe it depends…

But do we talk to our kids about saving, giving, paying and so on? Do we want our kids to make the best decision about finances? Who and what will guide them on how to make those decisions?

We are God’s children. The Bible is not shy or lacking information or the guidelines on what is pleasing God. What are your guidelines when it comes to giving? Whose voice or instructions do we follow? Do we select the verses we like when it comes to money?

I was so tempted to choose the title for my sermon to be like this: “How to be a Good Hypocrite”! I already had 5 bullet points based on Matthew 6:2! But I know I have to be careful and responsible of how to proclaim what’s in the scripture and sarcasm might not be the best way. I was able to sneak in a few points though. If you listen closely, you will hear it!

I am sure you know by now how powerful and how genius Jesus’ words are. It never ceases to amaze me when I find new truth in what I thought I knew well before.

Listen: “But when you give to the poor, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”. (Matt 6:3) What does this really mean? Pray, and come to hear what we can learn together!

Growing in Giving,
Pastor Jolita

Here’s what’s happening in the life of our Church and how you can get involved:

Thank you to the 16 who came out last Saturday! We were able to clean up the garage loft, build more shelves, and fill a large roll-off dumpster! We will continue to tackle the Fall To-Do list from 8:00am until noon this Saturday, October 26. This will include filling holes in the lot and trimming bushes and trees. Please consider sharing your time and effort even if you only have an hour or two available in that time frame. The more the merrier and the more we can accomplish!

Our two current teachers for this class will be unavailable for several months. We need you! Please consider sharing one hour after services for one month. January, February, and March need to be filled. You are welcome to join Lois and/or Jo in the classroom in the next couple of weeks to find out more, or call the office.

-The Friendship Class will NOT be meeting this coming Sunday, October 27 so that members can attend the reception for our pastors following worship. On Sunday, November 3, followings the worship service in the choir room, the class will hear and discuss a presentation about the Christian nationalism. Visitors are always welcome.
-Youth can grab some cake from the reception in Fellowship Hall, say thank you to the pastors, and then meet in the Youth Room for class. As a reminder, the optional memory verse for this week was Ruth 1:16.
-Children’s Sunday School will meet in room 53 in the classroom hallway.

The Youth Group will resume meeting this Sunday in the Youth Room at 6:00pm, but all of our youth are encouraged to come early at 5:00 to join the Youth Handbell Choir.

Mark your calendar for this Sunday, October 27, because starting at 5:00pm students in 3rd through 12th grade can join this group! Rehearsal will last until 5:45pm and we will be focusing on music for the Advent and Christmas season. As a side note, vocal choir will start back up in January.

This month will be an Oktoberfest celebration this Tuesday, October 29, at Noon. We will provide bratwurst, several other kinds of sausages, sauerkraut, rotkohl (red cabbage), German potato salad, coffee and bottled water. Bring your friends and your favorite German heritage side dish or dessert. Please RSVP at the table in the narthex or by contacting the church office (office@calvaryunited.org or 317-852-2541). If you have questions, please contact Merle Illg, 317-443-6327.

To celebrate Thanksgiving, rather than collecting food items this time, we will work with the Learning Academy families to collect toiletries and supplies for the residents of the Clermont trailer park that our Missions team has been working with. The collection will start next Monday, October 28 and continue through Thursday, November 14. Add those items to your grocery list and keep them in mind when you see sales! Dollar Tree gift cards would also be appreciated.

This month we have been expressing love, appreciation, and encouragement to our wonderful pastors, Rev. Michelle Knight and Rev. Jolita Erbele. We also included Dr. Mark Herris, our Director of Music and Worship. As the month draws to a close, this Sunday, October 27, we will have a special prayer during the service. Following the service, we will continue the celebration in Fellowship Hall with cake! Plan now to join us for this church-family time!

Calvary UMC will be hosting this year’s Hendricks County Charge Conference on Saturday, November 23 at 10:00am and you are invited to attend! The Charge Conference is a meeting that reviews the churches’ missions and goals and addresses specific conference questions. We would love to have some of our congregation here to offer a warm welcome to those visiting that morning and to gain insight into the structure of the United Methodist Churches of Central Indiana.

Our October Mission giving supports the Pastor’s Discretionary account. This money is used to assist others as the pastor sees fit for situations that are unforeseen.

Interested in finding out more about Calvary UMC? The pastors will be hosting a new member conversation at 11:11 in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, November 3 and again on November 10. (No need to RSVP.)

Registration forms are due by this Sunday! Extend an invitation to your family and friends! Register online at https://calvaryunited.org/womens-retreat/ or download a registration form. Forms are also available in the Calvary office.
This year’s retreat is next Saturday, November 2, 2024, and Asheritah Ciuciu, an author and speaker known for her dynamic online ministry, will be presenting her message entitled “Delighting in Jesus.” This message encourages us to embrace God’s profound invitation to a life filled with joy and delight by encountering Jesus in the daily rhythms of life.

Despite how it’s already starting to look in the stores, it’s not quite time to wrap Christmas gifts. However, our youth are making plans to do so on Saturday, December 7, and Sunday December 8, as a fundraiser. In order to keep our costs low, we would love to accept any giftwrap that you’d like to share with us: old rolls you don’t need or like anymore, new rolls that you find on sale, various styles and colors of ribbon or bows and tags. Place any donation you wish to make in the box in the office and mark your calendar to have the youth do your wrapping for you the first weekend of December!

The Brownsburg Police Department is hosting a presentation and panel for residents of Hendricks County to educate and empower with knowledge regarding scams and how better to protect yourself against them. The event is October 29 from 10:00am until Noon at Eaton Hall (61 N. Green St). To reserve a seat, call 317-852-1109, ext 2127 or email KCummins@BrownsburgPolice.org.

Avon UMC is hosting Carrie Newcomer with pianist Gary Walters in their sanctuary on Saturday, November 16. Doors open at 6:30 and the cost is $20 per person. If you’re interested, visit this page https://onrealm.org/AvonUMC/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=MjliZDc3YTAtYmQ3MS00Njk1LTg1YTAtYjFkYTAxMDNjMTU1 or contact Avon UMC at 317-272-4068.

On Saturday, November 2, from 11:00am until 2:00pm, there will be a Celebration of Life for Linda Marker at the Brownsburg American Legion at 636 E Main St. Please consider supporting Larry in this way at this time.

-Sunday, October 27, 10:00am Rev. Jolita Erbele
“Hearing God’s Voice Speak Generously: Hearers and Doers” Matthew 6:2-4 (ESV)
-Sunday, November 3, 10:00am All Saints Sunday and Service of Holy Communion Rev. Michelle Knight
“Hearing God’s Voice Speak Generously: Generous Hearers and Doers” Luke 12:13-15 (NRSV)

-Fall Clean-up – Saturday, October 26, 8:00am-Noon, outside church
-Toiletry and Supply Collection – Monday, October 28 through Thursday, November 14 in the Narthex
-Classics Luncheon – Tuesday, October 29 at Noon in Fellowship Hall
-Women’s Retreat – Saturday, November 2, 9:00am-3:00pm throughout Church
-New Member Conversations – Sunday, November 3 and Sunday, November 10, 11:11-Noon in Fellowship Hall
-First Monday of the Month Prayer Time – Monday, November 4, 6:30am in the Sanctuary
-Euchre – Saturday, November 16 at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall
-Charge Conference 2024 – Saturday, November 23, 10:00am in the Sanctuary